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A GD Sports and Leisure Company




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Matthew Ryall – Winner of The U23 Doubles World Title and Team Event 2024

We were thrilled to have Matthew Ryall, one of our recently sponsored Britannia players, visit our showroom last month. Matthew had just returned from the 2024 World Championships, where he achieved great success by winning both the Doubles World Title and the Team Event.

We first noticed Matthew’s exceptional skill and talent when we sponsored his team at Exeter University, and it’s clear that Matthew plays a crucial role in their success. During his visit, Matthew had the chance to try out a range of Britannia Cues on one of our SAM Atlantic Champion UK pool tables. He gave glowing reviews of the Britannia Cues that he tried and even left with a brand-new cue for himself.

We are excited to continue collaborating with Matthew and wish him the best of luck in his future competitions.